REVERENCE - To God; His Kingdom and His Decrees! The Bible uses the word fear when it comes to God as stated; “Have fear of God”  - Prov. 9:10. The interpretation of this one word often separates those who reflect the Father’s desire as stated; “Delight in God and He will give you the desires of your heart” - Ps. 37:4. God knows men are weak and He is all-powerful. But He also says; “Come boldly before His Throne” - Heb. 4:16. And; “We have confidence when we pray His will He is Faithful to answer us” - 1 Jn. 5:14. So to have reverence for God is not to be afraid but to be humble and submissive to His will by free will not coercion, because only He knows what’s best for us. Which affirms as stated; “God supplies all our needs” - Phil. 4:19; and is reflected as Jesus taught; “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better (valued) than they?” - Matt.6:26.

The seventh truth of Christianity is that you were perfectly made in the image of God. God does not create junk or changes His works because of the imperfections that result from disobedience and sin. This perfection is a Spiritual perfection as stated; “God-breathed His Spirit into man” - Gen .2:7. Essentially, you are a spirit in a body to operate in this world and not a body which happens to have a spirit that belongs in Heaven. 

These truths are essential to face the daily bombardment that is designed to kill, steal and destroy all that God desires which is encapsulated in; “My thoughts towards you are for peace and a known prosperous end” -  Jer. 29:11. God; just as any authority does not like to be mocked or taken for granted but as stated; “Delight in Him and He will grant your desires” - Ps. 37:4. God’s Kingdom is perfect and therefore its citizens are required to be perfect. What this means as a Christian is as stated; “become imitators of Christ (God)” - Eph. 5:1. For before Jesus, none understood, appreciated or reflected God’s full expression of obedience in the spirit, mind, and body. Jesus applied the KISS principle in all that He did; meaning “Keep it simple Simon”. We all know of the game; “Simon says”, where we imitate Simon. So must we, Jesus to become the Righteousness of God and as stated by God’s Son; “become perfect as the Father is” - Matt. 5:48.

WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY? There are many statements of confession regarding this but the universal Apostle Creed reflects the key components of Christianity as follows: 

The Apostles Creed

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth;
And in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead and buried.
He descended into hell;
The third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into Heaven, and sits at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty;
From there He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost;
I believe in the Holy catholic (universal) church, the communion of saints (the saved);
The forgiveness of sin;
The resurrection of the body;
And the life everlasting.


So you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. What does that mean and how do you go about to walk out that Faith in Christ Jesus? Too often many are delivered from sin and disobedience only to fall into the traps of darkness because no one from the Body of Christ has really taken the time to mentor the newly born again Christian into the new and mature man of Righteousness required to successfully navigate this world and be commissioned as stated; “Go and make disciples of the world” - Matt. 28:19.

It requires the proper kind of Faith for this creed to become real, intuitive and effective in your life. For what's the point of a Faith if there is no proof or evidence of it. At this point, it is important to acknowledge as Jesus stated, “enter through narrow gate” - Lk. 13:24; because there are many differences and similarities in faiths and religions that challenges the Faith of Jesus Christ. 

The first truth for as a young Christian is to know the foundation that your Faith rests on and is supported by. This is not about theology which is based on man’s attempt to figure out God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and too many issues to mention that neither is required or helpful to the Salvation given to us by Grace and Sacrifice. There is a difference between Christianity and religion. Many Christian churches practice religion but very few imitate Christ. The fundamental differences between Christianity and religion are the latter depends on the work of man while the former relies on the Grace and Glory of God as stated; “It is by Grace not of work that you are saved lest any man should attempt to boast” - Eph. 2:9. 

The second truth of Christianity is that their no one more important than the other in the Body of the church. There is the role (commission), talent and unity that support the Faith. These three fundament pillars of the Faith are equal under God’s purpose; Jesus’ name and authority as Paul stated; “For as the body is one and has many is the Body of Christ” - 1 Cor. 12:12-26. The hierarchy of the Kingdom is; God, Jesus and then the church which includes the prime fivefold ministry and other support groups for corporal works followed by the Holy Spirit and Angels as stated; "You (God) appointed him (man) to have dominion over the works of Your hands; and ordered all things under his feet" - Ps. 8:6. It will be man who will be held accountable and responsible for God's Kingdom here on Earth; especially it's unrighteous works.

Sept. 02, 2019.


The Christian Faith.

Spiritual Awakening

The danger of Christianity. God is sovereign and so has the Christian been made for His sovereignty. It is a Powerful Faith and with great power comes great responsibility. By Faith; all Christians are begotten of Adam and Eve, receiving three parts of this innate heritage. The body, mind, and spirit! Today; the Christian not only has these three elements but has been restored to the fourth heritage and that is the Spirit of God. God placed man in an environment that needed God’s Spirit to make it whole and Righteous before His Throne and by the heritage birthright; man is to as commanded; “Be fruitful, multiply and take dominion”. Without God’s Spirit; any power exerted by man is unrighteous thereby becoming unfruitful, destructive and weak. The Christian’s prime Revelation of spiritual and physical works is the attainment of God’s Spirit. Without God’s input; the Christian is condemned to a life of mental and physical slavery that manifests in various forms, health issues, and confusions; affirming God's requirement of Righteousness to as stated; "Who (God) forgives all your iniquities, heals all your diseases, and redeems your life from destruction" - Ps. 103:3. We must constantly be aware of wielding this Power, not for our, but only God's Glory!

The Christian Faith is meant to be precise! As stated; “By the flesh is death but by the Spirit is life” - Rm. 8:6. The key to this life is in the hand of the Christian and not in God’s hand. For by our actions do we remain in obedience or disobedience to His will. Is God not perfectly Righteous and by our created body, mind and spirit are we then by proxy also made for Righteousness. By Righteous obedience to God’s Word; the Christian places God in obligation to perform His Word as stated; “For I am the Lord (God) and will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it" - Ez. 12:25. This confidence comes with adopting Jesus’ attitude, aptitude, and actions. Jesus’ Faith did not falter even when things went opposite to His desire. So even though our image has been corrupted by the nature of sin; by the perfect example of Jesus we can as stated; “Become the Righteousness of God” - 2 Cor. 5:21, again; as it was always intended to be. It is a daily choice that must be made in light of what is the true and Righteous Life before God as opposed to what is deceptive and unrighteous; not before satan but before God. He, satan has no high judgment seat but only his fallen nature of all anti-god sentiments. 

Everything that embodies a person makes up is taught and learned. No human or for that matter; any creation are not creators but by what has been created become creative with the seen and unseen substances of life. The whole body, mind and spirit are designed for discovery. The body discovers by its feelings. The mind discovers by its inputs of knowledge of all workings of creation. And the spirit discovers the Power and Glory of God by His Spirit. These discoveries lead to a single Truth and that is your identity. That identity is found only in Jesus Christ; first as a Son and secondly as an Heir of God's Kingdom. 

The Christian identity is found in God who by wisdom, knowledge, and understanding has revealed His person, omnipotent and immutability into Jesus (the Word); the Spirit (the spoken word) and His Kingdom of the Heavens; the Earth and the vast boundless Universe. A saved person can only live Christianity as stated; “be born again” - Jn. 3:3. He cannot mix his culture and traditions with that of Christianity. For repentance, the first step into redemption is but the turning away from what made them separated from God towards the true and Righteous path that not only leads them but keeps them under His authority, protection and provision for God's divinely appointed purpose of their life. He can only do this by becoming a Christian; a Christ-follower and ultimately an imitator of Christ. 

Flush it Out! - A Christian reveals Jesus!

The fourth truth of Christianity is as stated; “without Faith it is impossible to please God” - Heb. 11:6. This is fundamental, a key component and a lifelong endeavor that must be supported by the Spirit; the Word (Bible); our words and actions across the platforms of the body, mind, and spirit. To put this in perspective; God sent His Word which is inspiredly spoken by His Anointed men and women which manifested in the flesh to be the perfect example of His Spirit and Glory which remains to this day through us, the Body of Christ by the Blood and authority of Jesus Christ. 

The fifth truth of Christianity is not only history but practical evidence in individuals, nations, cities and the world in science and nature. The root of Christianity is from Judaism which several past and present archeological findings provide physical evidence of places, people and the words found in the Bible including from the empires of Rome, Babylon, and Asia. As science and technology breaks new ground and improves; more evidence of natural laws of science and nature support the miracles of the Bible such as the Red Sea parting but falling short in a practical explanation of the timing of such events; that without precision and control these events would miss the mark of their desired design; thus indicating an unseen force of supernatural intervention. Also, the logic of science often discredit natural phenomenal as these miracles have only occurred once in a lifetime but proves the logic of perfectly timed sequencing of the planets; for which without this; there could not be life as we know it; but affirming as stated; “set the Heavens for signs and wonders”  -Acts. 2:19. 

The six truth of Christianity is it is practical. This is opposed to the saying, “So Heavenly minded, no Earthy good” and “show me your Faith and I show you my works or show me your works and I will show you my Faith” - Jm. 2:18. Faith requires action for the supernatural to manifest. This takes single-minded focus to use “the measure of Faith” and build it into Spiritual Faith for its manifestation of healings, miracles and casting out of demons. 

RIGHTEOUSNESS - This is not the same as being good! Jesus tells us; “what gain is there in loving those who love us; therefore love your enemies” - Lk. 6:32; and “Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?” - Matt. 7:9. The Christian is called for a higher purpose. Not to do what the world may think is right, proper and humane but to do what is pleasing to God. This is what makes us Righteous just as Jesus demonstrated and reflected as stated; “I only say and do what the Father shows Me” - Jn. 5:19. The Christian learns this by primarily studying and applying Jesus’ attitude, aptitudes and actions; for He is the perfect example, and from those of His past and future including the prophets, and men/women of God. The New Testament is written for this and as stated; “learn of Me (Jesus)” - Matt. 11:29; and “forgetting the past, (renewing the mind) and pressing to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” - Phil. 3:13. 

RESPONSIBILITY - God is Spirit but man is flesh! Or we can say; God is invisible to be revealed in the visible man. This is why God created man in the Garden. To be His representative in this world and to put satan in his place. We are designed to be led by God’s Spirit and to implement His will in the physical. This is fundamentally Faith as stated; “Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” - Heb. 11:1. So if God is perfect; wherever you have been placed in this world as a Christian is for Godly purpose of Righteousness. To be as stated; “Not just a hearer but a doer of the Word” - Jms. 1:22. This Righteous responsibility is carried out in whatever role at the time that has been placed on you including being single, married, leader, servant, father, and friend. All aspects of your life. The Word (Bible) is written for this as stated; “To rightly divide the Word and prove yourself a student unashamed of the Word” - 2 Tim. 2:15. This requirement is outlined by Jesus’ Parables of the Kingdom including; preparation of the body, mind spirit; stewardship of the Word, the Kingdom, and Earth’s resources covering not only natural but manmade constructs such as the home, money, social issues of government, corporal works and the church; including mandatory sharing of the Good News as stated; “go into the world”  - Mk. 16:15; and “no one puts a candle under a basket“ - Matt. 5:15;  which is often referred to as “marketplace ministries”. 

FAITH - The Christian is commanded not requested to have Faith in God as stated; “But without Faith, it is impossible to please Him; for He that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” - Heb. 11:6. The Christian is commanded to please, believe and diligently seek God affirming in Faith as stated; “Seek the Kingdom and all things will be added to you” - Matt. 6:33. The act of Faith is meant to build the previously stated pillars of being and becoming a Righteous Christian for Salvation and ultimately the Great Commission. What we do with the Christian Faith with its statues, mindset and objectives determine the level of success and rewards. This is because the Christian Faith operates and is supported by Spiritual laws, institutional standards and foundations as stated, “how you measure determines how you reap” - Lk. 6:38.. 

No Christian can become perfect in works as God is! But this does not mean we do not endeavor to. For God provides Grace as stated; “My Grace is sufficient for you”- 2 Cor. 12:9; and “How be it the Spirit comes to teach” - Jn. 16:13. The context what Jesus is referring to with this verse is about God’s character, not His Power and sovereignty. For there can only be one King of His Kingdom who declares His will; One shepherd of the King’s flock; who is Jesus; and then doers of the King’s decrees by His Spirit, Angels and Righteous men. The Old and New Testament are filled with such doers that by God’s Grace and Spirit reflected what Jesus perfected; which the character of Righteousness. 

Where does the Christian start? Too often the church gives sermons on God’s works; His displeasure and pleasure. Nothing is wrong with this but it's like “putting the cart before the donkey”. This approach promotes mental slavery rather than God’s goal of having Heirs. It is religious. For a slave does not need to know why he is commanded to do something but that it pleases the master to do it, usually out of fear. But an Heir is to understand, appreciate and has foresight why it is necessary to do somethings even though He does not like it as stated; “Father if possible let this cup pass but your will not mine be done” - Matt. 26:39. The Heir does what is asked by Faith and love of his God and Father. We are meant to be Heirs and not slaves. Consider the five prime pillars of what an Heir of God the Father requires and said of Jesus the man; His perfect Heir; “Well pleased with My Son”  - Matt. 3:17. 

CHARACTER - This is a prime requirement to please God! That one’s word is one’s bond and as stated; “God has placed His word above His name” - Ps. 138:2. This is a learned trait and the Book of Proverbs is a good place to start the Christian Walk which is written to guide us into the character that God wants for us; for the verses reveal what God expects of His men and women when they represent Him. Jesus could not maintain His ministry without displaying daily that His actions matched His words. And so must we as the Body of Christ; so that our credibility is established to the world for the sharing and maintaining of the Gospel for their Salvation.

The third truth of Christianity is war! God’s Kingdom is based on free will not subjugation. This is how we got here with rampant sin not only in the world but originally in Heaven. The Arch Angel Lucifer abused his free will to serve God by serving his own selfish interests as stated; “I (satan) will exalt myself above God” - Is. 14:13. This arrogance had to be dealt with, placing Lucifer now satan on Earth as stated; “I saw satan fall like lightning from Heaven” - Lk. 10:18. God’s plan for this insolence was the creation and purpose of man as stated; “created in God’s image”; and “to be fruitful, multiply and have dominion” - Gen. 1:27-28. 

Essentially, sin is disobedience to God’s perfect will; just as a father would guide his son to protect, provide and progress for peace and prosperity using his experience, resources, and strength. Any disobedience from the son would only result in retarding the father’s will and love for his son. He, satan is that perfecter of disobedience that influences the man’s thoughts and actions; thus restraining and preventing the Father from fulfilling His desire for His children. We must accept and profess to be pro-active; that the enemy of God our Father is our enemy, just as Jesus did and as stated; “put satan under His feet” - Rm. 16:20.  

Jesus Christ not only demonstrated but outlined the approach for all who desire to be His follower as well as reveal the Glory of His Father. This is what it means to be Christ-like in the world which is nothing short of Jesus’ attitudes, aptitudes, and actions. It will take time to develop and apply His traits that are not only there to challenge but also reprimand the status quo of this world. Just like an athlete that runs his course with steady improvements and accomplishments; the young Christian must be committed to the course set before him persevering to the finish line as stated; “Run the race to win” - Heb. 12:1-3.

What may seem like a contradiction to the Faith is necessary to develop the true purpose of Salvation which is to have not just an association but an intimate relationship with God who states; “I (God) will be a Father to you, and you shall be My Sons and Daughters” - 2 Cor. 6:18. Too often the church emphasizes the gathering of the Body of Christ without making God’s prime desire as a priority. So rather than developing Sons and Daughters of God; the immature church promotes social groups that provide settings for mercy and compassion. There is nothing wrong with this as it is a good thing but falls short of God's intent to make the Body Righteous for His Kingdom. This is the backdrop to start the journey of becoming not only a testimony but more so a force of Christ that cannot be ignored by the world as stated by Jesus; “greater works than these he will do” - Jn. 14:12. 

Where do you start? Now to be clear if the church you are attending has a Christ-centered effective mentorship program; that's where you should start, but consider as stated; “you (should) know them by their fruit” - Matt. 7:20. In other words, if there is no proof of the mentorship program especially with the Gifts of the Spirit it is wise to seek mentorship elsewhere. There is many media support for this but beside fruit the mentorship must reflect the main characteristics of service and alignment with the Bible.