For most of the Body, with the exception of a few men and women where there can be no denial that they operate completely by the Spirit through Righteous manifestations as stated, “By their fruit will they be known” - Matt. 7:16; all others have a sporadic spurt of this Spiritual manifestation. Most of these men and women are not directly affiliated with an established traditional church but as Spiritual directed interact with these churches. For what purpose? To breathe new life and empowerment of the individuals in these churches for God’s will. Consider that as stated, “My Word does not return to me void” - Is. 55:11; God has put into motion His Spirit to do His decrees for all things for His redemptive plan as stated, “all things put in place before the foundation of the world” - 1 Pet. 1:20. His provision for our multiplication and abundance has been available to us but is not being manifested because we tend to operate as stated, “as long as an heir thinks as a slave” - Gal. 4:1. Well, where are the heirs who are thinking like a slave. In the churches! The moment we organize the Faithful into systems of control; is the beginning of stifling the Spirit. A Spiritual led church unhindered by control, widgets and set programs are living grounds for the Holy Spirit. We need to get back to basics.
The God of Glory does not hold back and yet many of us within the Body do not receive what He has already given freely and has carefully and accurately placed in the Word. The Father seeks genuine communion. Not of religious ceremony but of intimacy with each one of us as well as groups of Spiritual minded individuals in harmonious fellowship towards His presence and Kingdom as stated, “God inhabits the worship of His people” - Ps. 22:3. After Jesus was baptized by John; God took over with His presence of His Spirit coming upon Jesus in the Anointing. This is Jesus fulfilling the Old Covenant by removing all flesh to God and establishing God’s original intent to Anoint, inspire Righteousness and have an intimate relationship with each member of His image. We are not to be strongholds to Christ’s commission but unified towards its works. The simple metaphor is as individuals we are all seed sowers for another part of the Body to harvest just as a farming combine would be.
If God is all knowing, unhindered by our limitations, then it must be concluded His fellowship with us is not linear but multi-disciplined in that He meets us at our level of Revelation with a single purpose. And that is to uplift each one of us up to His multi-faceted persona and Kingdom. Just like a good leader; God treats us as individuals with the goal of unifying us for His Glory and is not satisfied until each one of us reflects the true nature of that Glory, seen and embodied in His very Spirit as in the Son of man; Jesus. He does not retard our growth in Him, but waits and hints His leadings for our growth. God works with those who willing work with Him for as stated, “God is constantly looking for those He can show His Glory through” - 2 Chron. 16:9.
We are all begotten if only by His Spirit; similar to His true Word; His begotten Son; who is made of His true substance. Jesus who was the practical manifestation of God, who is a deep, wide and eternal well of Righteousness! God cannot become unrighteous for His very nature is disdained by such low corruption of all that is visible and invisible within His sight. For when we see nothing, He sees all that is hidden which as stated. “He sees the heart” - 1 Sam. 16:7. This heart is not the physical but the spirit that was breathed into all His creation having been placed in their proper status for His Glory. This spirit resides first in the Angelic Host and secondly in His image of the mankind. For as the omnipotent and immutable creator of all matter; what Glory can the images of His Spirit gain above the creator of Glory, other than what is allowed. He alone can outdo Himself to what He has already done!
God is a stickler for details. Too often, the Body leans on His Grace rather than recognizing His integrity and prudence in His applying judgment on people. Whatever God’s direction is; is for the perfection of His will as seen when Moses did not follow God’s specific instruction to provide water for the Exodus Jews, stating, “you will not see the Promise land because you did not follow my directions” - Num. 20:12. This perfection to detail also means God is clear and accurate in His conversations with us, not allowing for any discrepancy or innuendos that clouds the issues. God is big on accurate communication and so should the Body of Christ. Often, we brush over and give a board stoke on topics including those that are critical to gain wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the Word.
He is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! So what? When we have matured, there will no fear! For even though many have come to His Throne of Grace; they come with no boldness because they have not received the knowledge, heart, and spirit that Jesus demonstrated. We hear this often in church prayers, where some Christians lead with feelings rather than the Word. As a Christian, by Faith, we accept who God is as well as who He wants us to be. This means His person, Throne, Kingdom and Word are indistinguishable. For if God has made it His mandate as stated, “to be a Father and them my children” - 2 Cor. 6:18. Then we who have been adopted ought not to close the doors He has so graciously opened for this intimate relationship. We are His by creation and we are His by His Spirit. Any other perspective is of no profit and is actually anti-god to His Throne. Anti-god? How can a Christian be anti-god? This is the difference between being a ‘good’ to a Righteous Christian. We have been paid for by Jesus’ Blood and it is our obligation not to disrespect it and even though many of His image still do this and remains in darkness, but are good with other Christians; they remain not Righteous before God. Despite this, our Father God keeps His integrity intact with His first gift of free will to those who clearly deny Him and all He has placed before them. For He is God first; regarding His Kingdom and unshakable in His decrees and Father second, in His unconditional love for those who struggle with His ultimate gift that is in Christ.
The Truth about God.
Take for instance the story of Joseph. Most Christians, when asked, will state that it was his brothers who sold him into slavery. This is inaccurate and is why most Christians miss God’s hand and the Revelation of this critical historical event - Gen. 37:28. Ruben, the eldest was not there when Judah convinced the other brothers to sell Joseph. Judah’s action resulted in personal tragedy and became Joseph’s bond for Benjamin in Egypt. No other brother is recorded as suffering from this crime. When we are inaccurate in our conversations and actions, there are repercussions that we inherit and often affect others directly and indirectly. This is why as stated; “we will be accountable for every word spoken” - Matt. 12:36. The Christian must strive for accuracy, clarity, and details within their conversations and actions. This is opposite to satan’s prime devices of confusion, strife and offense. By inaccuracy, we leave open doors for satan to abuse.
God laughs at His enemies as stated, “God laughs” - Ps. 2:4. He also cries because His people are not enabling their empowerment as stated, “My people die because of lack of knowledge” - Hos. 4:6. Notice, He is talking about those who accept His sovereignty and not those outside of it. This demonstrates just how much His concern is for the Body that dies for not being in Righteousness as Jesus was and is. Knowledge is potential power. Only when applied in its designed form does it become effective knowledge and power and yet most churches do not focus on this as a prime ministry to support and strengthen their congregations; resulting in too often, many in the Body succumb to satan’s attacks as stated, “he roams about looking to see whom he can devour” - 1 Pet. 5:8. With knowledge comes boldness and is a unifying factor for the Body, especially when it is applied to prayer and intercessions. Many religious notions keep Christians enslaved such as God uses sickness to teach or worst; to punish. These statements contradict the Word as stated, “By His stripes, we were healed” - Is. 55:5. The Bible is accurate in its details and precision. The Word on healing is past tense; meaning it is done and established, just like the New Covenant. Every decree or declaration made in the Bible is linked to God's word not to return void and to be fulfilled.
God knows all! This alone allows Him to exercise patience which is His Grace. Despite the high crime committed in the garden and continues on some fronts today even after Jesus’ victory. God continues to demonstrate a Father’s love and keeps His purpose intact as God. For Him, time is measured as a season in which men utilize their free will for an appointed time, as stated, “all will be revealed” - Lk. 8:17; and is covered in the Parable of the Tares when at the appointed time; He will separate the two for His final determination on them - Matt. 13:24. God is a pure and magnificently superior as well as a Father who wants to cherish His children. He relishes and enjoys our attention so that He can display His generosity. And since we are in His image, He yearns for us to truly be a reflection of Him and is why Jesus came. God will reward and will repay for He is an accountant of all men’s thoughts, words and actions and is why early in His ministry; Jesus in “The Beatitudes” declares what most of us hope for and that is to matter, to be acknowledged and remembered; but God who is mindful of us as the Angels pondered, “what is man” - Ps. 8:4; His determination is reflected in, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after Righteousness; for they shall be filled”. - Matt. 5:6. For to be filled with God’s Righteousness is to know the Truth about God.
Flush it out! - There is no other like our God.
The perspective is that His Throne is beyond the carnal grasp, but by Salvation and having made His mandate has permitted us in the Body of Christ to gleam into His plans for “peace and an expected end” - Jer. 29:11; only through the perfection of His Risen Son. It is only through the perfection of His Son because Jesus did not compromise the Faith indwelling in Him as the Son of man. All others as stated, “have fallen short” - Rm. 3:23. And because many sways between the things of God and the things of the world there is only a constricted flow of the Spirit for Godly Righteousness through the Body of Christ. God, the Father is giving and has not stopped since Genesis when He gave Adam the direction to multiply and be fruitful - Gen. 1:28. How can man truly multiply and be fruitful as is God’s intent without the continuous flow of His Spirit to guide, direct and create the opportunities for multiplication and abundance? We have to walk, think and act like Jesus. The individuals in the Body does not need the endorsement of the traditional pastoral church. Some say that is disobedience. But the Bible says, “That’s the Spirit”. To be clear; I am not saying get rid of the church but saying it needs to be empowered without the limitations of a man. Consider; God is perfect and not limited. So to think God needs a manmade organized church is bringing God’s ability down to our own. A man-made organized church often times is reduced to limiting the Spirit of God, just by their organization’s charter and procedures.
As God is perfect so is His Kingdom. Perfect in His will for it! Not ruling by fear but by love as a Righteous King and a good Father would, allowing free will to determine His subjects’ actions. He does this as any secure and confident leader would and thus makes His reign vulnerable to politics and biases that are not aligned with His sovereignty. It is why the church on a whole fail from time to time because they forget or willfully stay out of His light of Righteousness abandoning it into darkness. The greatest tragedy of God’s purpose and reign is not that a notable angel and a third of the Heavenly Host rebelled and tried to usurp His Throne. They tried to do that on God’s turf. How much more ignorant can one be! The greatest tragedy is that the recognized church has failed in the continuation of Jesus’ commission so much so that after Jesus returns, the great commission will still be unfinished.
God through Jesus gave us the perfect example of discipleship and yet many churches have developed their own doctrines that actually prevent Jesus’ form of apostleship. Jesus’ ministry produced a radical movement including raising not only the spirits of men but also the mental clarity of the Faithful and empowered thousands in fearlessly demonstrating the gifts of the Spirit; all done within three and a half years. Today, millions within the churches still remain in limbo and ignorance as to their freedoms taken at the cross and sealed with the Blood of Jesus. By Jesus’ words as stated, “Greater things will you do” - Jn. 14:12; we are convicted of our failures for not continuing His mandate to, “use a sword” - Matt. 10:34; and establish the true and unified church for God’s Glory. If we consider that the Parable of the ten wise and foolish virgins speaks to unpreparedness; we should also consider it speaks to Righteousness and unrighteousness and indicates a 50% ratio of saved to unsaved.
Nothing a man or the fallen spirits do can disrupt God’s plans for His Glory and Kingdom. Men and women are used by God’s conviction regardless of their level of Faith, politics or status and leanings. God has His timetable and every human plays a role, be it small or large; passively or critically; all are orchestrated for His purpose to bring about first; His complete restoration of His Earthy Kingdom and secondly, directing His benefit to anyone who calls Him God, Father and His Son; Lord and Savior. It is on each individual's mandate to work the Body of Christ and is why Paul uses this metaphor to direct followers of Christ. For the health and Salvation of the parts of the Body. If a leg is sore, does not the hand massages it and by this action; does not the hand receive edification and also itself massaging and indirectly does not the blood of a body is agitated to flow. Just as stated, “iron sharpens iron” - Prob. 27:17. Well, how can this happen if the iron is not already being sharpened with the Righteousness that only can come for God for the admonishment and edification of each part that makes up the Body of Christ? This is His design for symbiosis. Symbiosis is between two direct entities, that is God and man.
God will take from those who have not acknowledged Him and give to those who have. The ignorant man will call Him a thief but those who know Him and appreciate His sovereign will call Him justice and Righteous. These things are not only the corruptible things like money but the incorruptible things that are usable for God’s purpose which is the Salvation of all men by free will, the true church Jesus is coming for and His decrees for Righteousness. If strong Christian people you know in your local church is leaving and they are placed in stronger Christian churches is because God has purpose that requires strong Christians and Faithful ones who both desire more of His Glory and are willing to be obedient to His direction. You don’t put weak players with strong players to win a championship. This concept is embodied in the Parable of the Talents; whether as money or skill - Matt. 25. When these resources are misused they are redirected by God for the profit of souls. It is we who are to agitate the flames of Righteousness for Him to add fuel to it. We should not be surprised when some churches grow while others decrease and when non-Christians contribute to the message of Salvation, because as stated, “all are for Him, even the evil man for his day” - Prob. 16:4. God’s goal is for everyone to be Righteous before Him. This is opposite of having good men who have not accepted Jesus. Jesus clarifies this as stated, “Which father would give a serpent when asked for a fish” - Lk. 11:11. To be a good man is a worldly concept while to be Righteous, is a Spiritual mandate. The world propagates its version of being a good man but ultimately it will be by God’s standards that all will be judged by and be accountable for their actions.
It is only by design that His Glory is channeled through us for His purpose and that we having been called for this plan of redemption. First, to our own spirit and secondly to those who need the path to be traveled for Righteousness. No good man is Righteous for as Paul states, “that we may become the Righteousness of God” - 2 Cor. 5:21. It is not a choice but a directive that all who claim to be in the Body of Christ must endeavor to attain and it is by this are we able to approach with boldness His Throne. Because it is He who sits of the Throne of Heavenly Righteousness has called us as stated, “come boldly to the Throne of Grace, to receive mercy and grace in our need’ - Heb. 4:16. This need is not the need as required for daily living as in food, shelter or money. It is the need of the spirit to become the Righteousness of God.
The key context, direction, and result of this command to come before the Grace and mercy Throne is that God’s work has been done. That God has fulfilled His promise through Jesus; therefore by the caveat of not resting, not receiving and not accepting the fulfillment of this promise; many run the gambit of not becoming the full Righteousness of God - Heb. 4. We have been deemed sinless because and by the Blood of Jesus as the active agent to pave our path onto God’s Righteousness, not by our works but by our heart, Faith and testimonies as stated, “less any man should boast by their works; for we are His workmanship” -Eph. 2:9-10. The same way a father seeks to shape and guide for empowerment his child; so does God. But we have to do our part with the free will given to us.
If you think evil started with Lucifer; you would be wrong and would place this angel with equality to God. For an Angel just like us cannot and is forbidden to create anything that does not meet God’s standard of Righteousness. To put this in perspective, consider; just like darkness is a condition of the absence of light (for darkness is not a substance), so is evil having no illumination of God’s Spirit. With that void comes uncertainty, fear, and confusion; all attributes of the devices of evil, embodied in Satan. This is the same for space travel or sailing. Without the stars (beacons of light for direction); travelers inevitably become lost often traveling in circles. When the Exodus Jews walked in fear; they disconnected God’s efforts to make them His Righteousness to the point as God stated, “they will not enter the land that was promised” - Num. 14:30. Well, how did Lucifer become evil abandoning God’s light for its absence into darkness? He became disobedient under the Grace of God’s Righteousness in the exercise of his free will; until God could no longer tolerate this disobedience, resulting in his exile from God’s promise of rest, which is embodied in His Kingdom. All those Exodus Jews that died in the wilderness; their spirits have been in exile unable to receive the rest God promised. The exercise of free will is like the scales of justice that sway and weighted down based on one’s thoughts and actions. Either towards Righteousness or unrighteousness. There is no middle ground. To think that Lucifer choose darkness over light in an instance would deny God’s very presence in his surroundings. For all Angels have God’s Spirit in them but by their free will decisions; the fallen angels became unspiritual, thereby preventing God’s Spirit to dwell in them. This is the same for man. God maintains His Word and integrity above His sovereignty as stated, “My word is above Myself” - Ps. 138:2. The simple mandate of God is for all to be Righteous and remain at rest so that His Spirit can direct for His good and Righteous works.
ChristnMe @ 2013