Letters to the Faithful
How then can we not walk without a step; a bubbling in our shoes. Who needs an “air jordan” when we have the promises of God. To be labeled a Christ follower. To have that privilege of suffering for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! And more, to have Victory in all things! To earn our stripes as it were and be counted in the number of the Faithful by our submission to His will and His Glory. Christ is our Victor and with Him, we know “all things work for those who are no longer condemned by sin”. So with each day we can renew our attitudes and actions that by the Word we get that much closer to all the promises of God. Promises for prosperity and peace and of no harm. By this cause do we Rejoice and dance before the Father, not only by heighten steps but by Heart. Heart for the things of God flooding our capacity and forcing out the non-things of God.
Yes, the Trumpet of God has been blown calling all the Faithful to rise up for soon across the horizon we will know Christ is here. So let not the news disturb you nor cause fear in you, but with every breath taken give praise to the one who is Lord over all. Our God; Yahweh, Jehovah our supplier; our Abba. Praise Him in the morning, noontime and evening. Praise Him in the house, the workplace and in the public. Praise Him! For He is worthy of all the admiration words we give Him for His Glory sake. Don’t engage where the enemy entices you. Stay Away! For every physical ground lost the more the Spirit is gained. He can take it all, for when the world is behind me, then the Cross is before me. And so will be peace. Paul, our brother in Christ rejoiced while in jail, while his body suffered but his Spirit was not denied and rose up and God sent His Angel for him and showed the Glory of God. That Glory is all we need today, for God will show Himself strong on behalf of those of Faith in action with His Word. The Trumpet has been blown! Don’t wait, act now and make the cry of Praise to our God!
The Trumpet has been blown; the cry has been sent out; God has crushed the stubborn stone. Rejoice for Victory is ours! The Victory is ours brothers and sisters in Christ. Knowing this we ought to have a step in our walk as if we are ascending into the Glory coming down from the Heavens. Our demeanor as we go about daily life should be a reflection of the joy and life that has been given to us by Christ; His blood and knowing we have His loving Father as our own just adds the topping to it. We are all sons and daughters; siblings to Jesus and part of His family.
Letter to the Faithful
July 11, 2016.
ChristnMe @ 2013