Let us STOMP - Stand Together On Manifested Prayers! For our weapons are not carnal but Spiritual to the pulling down of every spirit that tries to exalt itself above God. We know satan’s devices of deceptions, disunity, and diseases, so let us not be naive to what we ought to do as the body of Christ. To be this Earth’s weapon against all darkness. Our prayers do work and with the fruit of the Spirit are we confident of their strength and workings, all onto the Glory of our God. We must be determined to win, having confidence in the name above all with the God kind of Faith; the name of Jesus.

Letters to the Faithful.

Letters to the Faithful


Know that with the body, mind, and spirit all working together under Grace and His Word, nothing will be impossible to the Faithful who by Spirit are led to STOMP for Kingdom work. As Paul encourages; seek the Spirit, know the Spirit and become the Spirit of God. Then be marvelled at the Spiritual manifestations that demons run from and the lost seek. The Spirit draws as He is designed to do and repels as only Righteousness can do. We only need unity of the body with the Righteous Spirit of God coursing, filling and embolden us. We are God’s Righteousness for His Spiritual providence.

Letter to the Faithful.
Jan. 30, 2017.

With every step of thought, action and Revelation is STOMP to be used, so demons flee even when you enter a room filled with them. For what they see is Christ manifested in you and as they know of Paul then will they know of you, Christ in you, manifesting the Father who dwells in you, doing the work. For we are Spirit using flesh for God’s Glory to be revealed. It is the Holy Spirit that matters and it is what we ought to desire for. He is our advocate not as legal representation for sin but the counselor to all our endeavors, both carnal and spirit. Our perfect guide to ordering our steps onto Righteousness.

So, never allow your senses to be dulled by the world and its vices but with every effort sharpen each other for the work of the Spirit who gives when asked and supports when needed for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and the Grace of Salvation. Gather one onto another for the promise of His Grace to be with any two or more to be in their midst and STOMP. Prayer is the choice weapon of this war which is any word spoken with Godly purpose and divinity. There is one mission still to be accomplished and that is to forever put satan and his darkness completely under the footstool of Jesus. So let no fear abide, nor blind you to the Truth of His Kingdom that His Glory of light have overcome the threat to His Throne and is become for us the Victory that has overcome this world and the next to come. STOMP! I tell you, STOMP!


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