​Christ will be before us, who look to Him for Holiness and having paid the final sacrifice, deserve our attention for we are nothing without Him and the legions of Angels under His authority. All; having been made for our Salvation; we owe Him our Faith to be His in this world and to aid in His commission to save those lost to the world and its deceptions. For so many are misled by their flesh of peace and security, having lesions of darkness over their eyes preventing enlightenment from the Word of Truth.

Letters to the Faithful.

Christ stood and stands for the Truth and Revelation of God not by intellect but with every muster of will prescribed it to all, sowing for a harvest of free will to the Kingdom promises of broken chains of strongholds. God’s will is just that. To destroy and dismantle all of satan’s strongholds that have abounded and is now unbridled in this final age. Christ is to be followed, observed and implemented against these strongholds for His rule is absolute and is not to be mixed with the voices of those bias to His Righteous rule. Those who seek to make their own salvation and freedoms will ultimately make their will surpass that of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They are deceived by their vain vanity that befell Lucifer’s from Heaven’s Glory and now only anger, strife, and fear engulf them, leading them to the gate of death.

Christ must be our flag in these days of growing darkness. For with every turn we see and hear those appointed to be beacons of light now overshadow the light that the Blood was shed for; giving more credence to authors of the Word than the Word itself. The falling away is in effect and only Christ our eternal light is needed to stay firm in the foundation of the Word and the Glory promised for peace and prosperity. Christ cannot be substituted by men nor be split to accommodate the faithlessness of those that place imaginations above God’s sovereignty and His Kingdom. Christ is never divided!

So be Christ today and every day; standing for His Righteousness made to be our own. Let’s not weariness reduce the Power available to you and make Him singular in all things. For with Christ as your spear, the veil of darkness is pierced with His Glorious light above all things, for Christ is our judgment of Truth in this world and the one to come. Never allow compromise in Christ for the world’s sake nor be given to the flesh over Christ, but with the Spirit of Righteousness make all effort to be as Christ, having the Father in you; for He does the work towards His end of this age. We being His partakers of the Glory to come. Christ is now and forever!


Follow Him! Christ. He is our leader and us His followers, not of slavery by the world standards but by the Blood of redemption. He came and will come again in full regal of purity and Righteousness. So be ready to honor Him with your works backed by the Faith of God. The shofar will be blown heralding His Glorious presence and His company will be splendid and numerous. So seek Him, in His ways, in His display of Righteousness.

Letters to the Faithful


empower, spiritual, warfare, faith, love, Jesus, God, satan, weapons, gospel, word, fight, apostle, disciple, bible, heaven, grow up, seek, righteousness, holy, angel, heaven, hell

Letter to the Faithful.
Mar. 20, 2017.